Thursday, April 20, 2017

The Pause...

Truth be told, I'm a lazy writer. (Hence this being my first blog post in months....sorry!) Or maybe it's that I'm a procrastinator because the task always feels so daunting. Whatever it is, I find I really have to push myself to write consistently.

Over the last couple of weeks, I've found the process exceptionally difficult. As reviews for my first book, SLAVE, pour in, I find I'm caught up in the detailed critiques some of them list out. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for every single bit of it. We don't grow as writers and storytellers by shrinking away from critics. At some point we have to poke our heads out of our hermit holes and at least glance at them. While some negative response is just mean-spirited, for the most part we can learn a great deal by listening to our readers.

But for some reason, I've found myself almost halted by the response. And isn't just the critical reviews. The majority of SLAVE's reviews are surprisingly positive! Even those have my fingers stalling over the keys, hesitating.

I think what it is is that now this story that for so long was simmering in my head is now out there, being considered and analyzed and enjoyed. It's being interpreted in new ways because the readers each approach it with a different worldview. Perhaps much different than mine.

Don't get me wrong, it's all very exciting. But this is part of the growth of passing the threshold from writer to author. It's the vulnerable side of this journey. The hope is that we, as storytellers, will always improve. The potential for growth in this field of work is endless. To achieve that, we have to be willing to pause and listen. Maybe not always, and maybe we don't have to take in everything. But there is value in lifting our eyes from the endless typing and letting our gazes move over the ever growing crowd of readers. There's value in taking in the response, and letting it give us pause.

After a time, hopefully not long, my thoughts will settle back into focus. I'm still writing, and BOOK TWO is slowly taking form. I'll hit a stride soon, and my family will wonder why Mommy hasn't washed her hair in a couple days. (<<Let's be real.)

Until then, I see you, readers. I hear your kind words, and I acknowledge your questions. I take it all in. Soon I'll have to push you out of my head and let BOOK TWO come to life on its own terms. But know that you are shaping my skills as a writer, and I value your input!

Love always,


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Slave (Book One) Playlist

I am extremely affected by music.
Strong lyrics, crescendos, ballads, drum all gets me. So, like many writers, I compiled a playlist of songs that in some way inspired the writing process of Slave. Some songs simply carried a mood I was chasing for a scene. Others possessed lyrics that spoke directly to the characters I was dealing with that day, week, month.

Without further ado, this is my playlist for Slave (Book One). I'm so greatful for the positive responses the book is receiving! It's a story that means a lot to me, and I'm thrilled to be finally sharing it with you!

So, here 'tis.

1. Fleurie - Sirens
2. Sia - Alive
3. Sia - Bird Set Free
4. Christina Perri - Lonely
5. Coldplay - Midnight
6. Bethel Music - No Longer Slaves
7. M83 - I Need You
8. Amber Run - I Found
9. Story of the Year - Swallow the Knife
10. The Sound of Silence as sung by Allison
11. Fleurie - Breathe

Hope you enjoy!

Book two is currently in progress. Here's a glimpse into my current playlist:

SVRCINA - Meet Me On The Battlefield

Until next time!
Laura Fran