Firsts have a tendency to be awkward. First dates, first meetings...first tweets. This is the first post on what is hopefully the last blog I will ever attempt to start. I have a sickness, you see. I love to write. But over the years, I have changed my direction as a writer so many times. And as a result, have started and stopped a number of blogs.
I recently published my first book in the Young Adult genre. I self-published, self-edited (wince), and made my own cover. (You can check it out here if you're curious.) As you can imagine, this is taking up most of my thought processes right now. I'm learning how to market via social media, connecting with other authors, and seeking reviews. I don't mind doing all these things. But the work is hard. As the sole member of my marketing team, I have to shoulder all of it.
Self-publishing has transformed over the last decade. Writers now have publishing opportunities at their fingertips! I remember a few years ago when I discovered self-publishing. All my dreams were suddenly within reach. But I'm sure you've heard it said: I wish I knew then what I know now. I discovered self-publishing...and I rushed into it. I finished a short novel and threw it on Kindle in 'first draft' condition. And while I still believe in the story, the quality was lacking immensely. Reviewers where kind, and thankfully I didn't tank as an author. But I learned some hard lessons over the last few years.
The intention of this blog is to talk all things writing and reading. I'll talk about what I've learned so far, and what I'm currently working on. I'll review books that I come across. I'll offer suggestions from one self-published author to another.
There are many authors much more knowledgeable than yours truly. But if I can help you along in your process in any way, I'll be happy to do that!
Happy Thanksgiving, friends!
I believe in you!
Laura Fran
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